All the laundry is washed, folded and put away.
Dishes are done and the kitchen is spotless.
Lunches are made. I snuck a little note inside each lunchbox so the kids will have a surprise.
The kitchen is stocked enough so the kids can pack decent lunches through the week.
Outfits for the next five days have been picked out. Everyone has five matching pairs of socks and five pairs of clean underpants.
Backpacks are packed.
The itinerary for the week is typed out for my parents and my husband.
Rides to and from practice have been arranged for the week. Everyone knows who they have to bring where. And when.
I went to Kohl’s this afternoon and used the gift card I got for Christmas to buy a comfy outfit to wear home from the hospital.
We went to the library and got some new books to read and movies to watch this afternoon.
I french braided all the girls’ hair so they’d be set for school when they wake up in the morning.
I spent an extra long time putting Number 5, 6, and 7 to bed tonight. I let them stay up too late because our normal routine is going to be disrupted by my inability to bend over and lie down in their beds with them to sing them a song for the next few weeks.
I’m really going to miss that routine. A lot.
I told Number 4 I’d come give her a second hug and kiss goodnight after I got the little guys to bed.
When I finished and came down from their room, I thought Number 4 was asleep, so I didn’t go into her room.
She came running downstairs after me.
“You didn’t come give me a hug,” she said.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
I gave her an extra long hug. She didn’t let go.
“I’m going to be fine,” I told her. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Are you sure?” she asked me, not convinced. “The doctor isn’t going to make a mistake?”
“The doctor isn’t going to make a mistake,” I reassured her.
I leave for the hospital in two hours, at 5 a.m.
I haven’t gone to sleep yet because, well, as cool, calm and collected as I appeared to be for Number 4, to be totally honest, I’m seriously freaked out.
And I know exactly how she feels.
All will be good. Sending hugs and prayers from Germany.
Hugs and prayers sent your way today!
Sending you hugs, positive thoughts and best wishes for best outcomes and a quick and successful recovery!
I hope everything went well, and you will recover soon!
sending positive vibes and healing wishes your way 🙂
Hoping that you are feeling better!