Do you have a momma’s boy?
The boy that comes to you for comfort above everyone else?
The boy that, no matter how badly he pisses you off, can turn you to mush in a second?
The boy that is your kryptonite?
The boy that reminds you constantly that there is nobody in the world quite like his momma? And so maybe sometimes you are a little too easy on him or you let him get away with more than he should because you just can’t help yourself?
Today I was talking to Number 6 who is seven years old.
I recently made homemade applesauce for the first time, and all the kids loved it. Especially Number 6.
I made like fifty gallons of applesauce and it lasted for about twelve seconds.
Number 6 asked me if I would make some more tonight.
“It’s on my list of things to do this weekend,” I told him.
“What’s on my list of things to do this weekend is loving you,” Number 6 told me.
So yeah.
I have a momma’s boy.
And as long as he keeps saying kryptonitey stuff like that to me, he’s gonna remain one.
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