On Tuesday my husband went to the bank and withdrew $150.
He put forty bucks of gas in his truck and didn’t touch the rest of the money.
He had two fifty dollar bills and a ten in his wallet.
Yesterday he was at the lumberyard. He went to pay for whatever he was getting and when he opened his wallet, it was empty.
He asked around to see if anyone had found any money on the ground, but no one had.
He checked around in his truck.
No money.
He drove to the bank to see if maybe he had left the money on the counter when he was there the day before.
So he came home yesterday and was a little upset about the lost $110.
Lately Number 4 has been stealing money from Number 3.
She often hides it under her pillow.
So I went up to her room to check and see if maybe it was there.
I didn’t find my husband’s money.
But I did find this:
I can understand why she has about $5 in change stashed under her pillow.
But why the hell she has multiplication worksheets and about 20 rocks under there, I have no fucking idea.
So anyway, I didn’t find my husband’s money.
We moved onto directly interrogating her.
At first she denied it.
But eventually, she confessed.
She disappeared and came back a couple minutes later with 2 crumpled fifty dollar bills and a rolled up ten.
“Dad, I didn’t steal it…
…I just showed it to my friends,” she said.
“What do you mean, ‘You showed it to your friends?'” I asked.
“I just showed it to my friends.
At school.”
“You brought that to school today?” I asked, my voice shaky.
“Yeah…for show and tell.”
I was feeling faint.
“Yes?” she answered, hesitantly.
“Mom…she said that was A LOT of money!”
Apparently reading on a third grade level isn’t the only thing she’s doing way earlier than her peers.
I mean, I didn’t start stealing money from my parents until I was in high school.
Having a kid who is ahead of the curve can really be something to brag about.
Unless, of course, your wallet is involved.
Then, um, not so much.
You would be surprised. I taught kindergarten and kids would take each others pencils and crayons and hide them in their cubby. My first year teaching one little girl would take everything and anything off of my desk!
I was the good child, my brother however…not so much. My mom would just write down how much money my brother stole from her purse, knowing that someday he would get caught. Best day in a little sisters life when mom busts the older brother and then says “You also owe me…” He worked his butt off paying her back, it was awesome!
This is a hilarious story!! Your daughter sounds very smart but it’s probably a good idea to keep an eye on her. 🙂 She sounds adorable, but also sneaky!
Hysterical! When I was a little girl my mom told me to help her clean up. She returned to the room to find me throwing all the money in her purse away. I thought I was helping.
At least the money wasn’t lost…it would hurt to lose $110!
You see, the smart kids do the most embarrassing stuff so when you start to brag about them and other parents start to worry about their own children’s intelligence, you can make the other parents feel better by telling them all the horrible things your child has done.
I didn’t start stealing money from my mom until I was a teenager! lol Even then I was bad at it and always felt guilty and confessed before she even found out. My 7 year old though is smart…she doesn’t steal money per se, she asks for money for lunch and never uses it. She hides it in a box in her room so she can “save it up”.
Smart…but sneaky. lol
Krissy @ Mommy Miscellaneous
Does anyone else think the teacher should have sent an email saying.. “just a fyi, your child brought $110 to school today for show’n’tell. I hope this was done with your knowledge and permission.”