When the kids are taking their baths, I do a quick wipe down on the floor, around the toilet, and under the toilet seat.
It’s not a deep clean, but little (and big) boys have pretty bad aim. It helps to keep things from getting too disgusting in between bathroom cleanings!
What little things do you do to keep up with the never-ending cleaning in the bathroom or kitchen?
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personally, i just get used to the slop….or i let the toddler walk around the floor and clean up the extra food bits. that seems to help. 🙂
I am a bit of a neurotic about bathrooms and kitchen. It has to do with my being raised by a neurotic mom who’s floor you could literally eat off of. With four kids, I had seen so many times that she swept her kitchen floor and would loose her pile of dirt! Because there wasn’t any! Shoes off hands washed the minute you walked in the house and family room only. My little thing I do a few times a day is wipe off toilet seat and around the bowl base and floor and also the sink. I have a tube of those Clorox or Lysol wipes. You can even use them to get the spittle off of the mirrors. They work on tons of different surfaces. Same thing in the kitchen and I wipe the stainless steel on the fridge door and handle at least twice a day. So that is my quick little life saver and they really work.
Holy cow Sandy. You might be horrified if you came to my house…