I have a problem shelling out $50-$100 for birthday party goody bags when most of the crap in them is going to break before it even gets home from the party.
Tomorrow I am having a birthday party here at the house, and 25 kids (I’ll get to that tomorrow) are coming. So here is what I made for party favors, and it cost me almost nothing.
I made stationery folders for all 25 kids coming to the party.
Here is a boy’s folder:
Here is a girl’s folder:
Each folder contains:
- five sheets of personalized paper
- five envelopes
- 3 pens
- 1 sheet of stickers
This is how much I spent:
- 25 folders………………..$6.00
- 125 envelopes…………$0.00 (already had them)
- personalized paper…..$0.00 (printed on my computer)
- 75 pens…………………..$0.00 (got them for free at Target using Bic stationery coupons)
- Stickers…………………..$3.00 (3 packs of 300 stickers at the Dollar Store)
- personalized labels…..$0.00 (already had them and printed them on my computer)
TOTAL………………………..$9.00 for 25 party favors
I showed them to my kids and they loved them!
Do you have any suggestions for affordable and useful party favors?
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Awesome idea! Love it!
That is an awesome idea. I usually put candy, cookies, chips, fruit snack packs, etc. in the goody bags. I buy them in bulk at Costco and the left overs are my kids snacks.
The party favors are great Susie, and Katie loves it! (She already has a personalized picture from Caroline..too cute!)
These are very nice party favors atleast, they can use it in school. 🙂 I love it!