Okay, I found another one of these… and I wasn’t looking for it. It just happened to cross paths with me. I feel like I am being taunted. And now I’m developing some sort of unhealthy and obsessive anger toward the people who are taking pictures of their seriously irritating creations. Indulge me for just one more post. And then I promise not to talk about these ever again. Well, at least ever again today.
If you want to waste a minute of your Sunday, and possibly throw up in your mouth a little, you can watch the video, (yes, I said video) of how to assemble this annoying little lunch. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/RUA2uc
Or you can just look at the picture:
You see that hardboiled egg? Well, when your kid opens his lunchbox, every kid sitting anywhere near him is going to let him know, loudly, that his lunchbox “smells disgusting”.
So that really awesome Elmo face in his lunchbox won’t make him feel cool. It will make him feel like an asshole.
And it will make his lunch smell like one.
Do you know whose kids will eat those strawberries after they’ve been touching hard boiled eggs for 4 hours?
That’s right. No one’s.
Let me save you some time. Just take 2 pieces of bread, a piece of ham, some seaweed, a piece of cheese, a carrot, a tomato, and some lettuce, and throw it directly into the garbage. Because I guarantee you that’s where this lunch is gonna go.
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OK, you really, REALLY scared me there for a minute. See, I’m a relatively new follower here and hadn’t seen you post about this before. So when I read your post title, I thought for one horrifying moment that you were addicted to making these kinds of lunches for your kids, and you needed a 12 step program to stop. It left me feeling disoriented, b/c that’s NOT the kind of Mom I’ve come to know and love in you. I thought I was going to have to start hating you, and I was feeling kind of sad and confused. All of that happened in my un-coffeed brain in the moment between reading the title and reading the actual post.
Thank you for restoring order to the universe.
Come on Anne, you should know me better than that 😉
I want to know, how do these lunches even make it to lunch time without getting all shook up???? If I lost my mind and made my son’s lunch like this picture, by the time he got to open his lunch box to eat it, it would look like a tossed salad with some soggy bread….and stink like..well you know how boiled eggs smell…
Ha! I’m going to comment all the time now. I just want to know when these ladies are making these lunches? Who has time in the morning in between lording over breakfast to make sure that everyone eats, making sure that everyone knows where their backpacks/homework/library books are, making sure that everyone is dressed weather-appropriately, and trying to convince people for the umteenth time that tooth-brushing is not a form of torture to make lunches like that?! And if you tell me that she makes them the night before I’m going to puke. The only thing worse than hard boiled eggs that have been sitting in a lunch box all morning are old hard boiled eggs sitting next to a wilted tomato, stale bread, curly meat, and wilted lettuce (seriously, did she just put lettuce in there?). I can’t watch the video. But yes, this mom (and all like her) have waaaaay too much time on their hands (and probably only one kid).
Susie, Thank, God, You didn’t get sucked into making these sandwiches.
My daughters would’ve been mortified among their peers when they opened their lunch boxes: and given me a strong lecture on “What not to do as a Mom!”