We got rid of cable about a year ago.
We haven’t been completely program-free though. We’ve had Netflix since then.
It has definitely saved us money.
And while I wasn’t sure I’d be able to live without Bravo and the Food Network, I don’t miss that stuff at all now.
I did really, really, REALLY like watching cooking shows on the Food Network.
But the Pioneer Woman and Ina really just made me totally jealous and pissed me off. And then the truth about Paula Deen being an asshole came out.
And I’m sure I’m way behind the times, but I just recently learned that Giada is a little hoochie mama, screwing all sorts of dudes, including Bobby Flay, who I kind of had a thing for even though gingies are totally not my type.
Anyway, the Food Network is basically full of a whole bunch of sluts and assholes. (Hmmm… just like the Real Housewives, except they can all cook).
So I’m glad I weaned myself off of that shit.
Now it’s time to wean the kids off of some shit, too.
I’ve said this before, but most of the shows on the Disney channel, um… totally suck.
It’s not like it used to be, back in the days of Wild Kingdom followed by whatever movie was on The Wonderful World of Disney that week.
Remember those days? The days of Escape from Witch Mountain and The Shaggy DA and Herbie the Love Bug, and Freaky Friday?
I miss those days. Those days when you’d look in the TV Guide to see what movie was going to be on the WWOD that week. Especially with the garbage that’s on television now.
I thought that by getting rid of cable I’d be getting rid of most of the shitty shows the kids like to watch, which are literally 30 minutes of their lives that they can never get back.
But I was wrong.
I can’t keep up with all the programs that are on TV now, and I especially can’t keep up with what Number 3 and 4 find to watch on Netflix.
A couple weeks ago I sat down to watch one of their new favorites, Mighty Med, with them.
Oh. My. God.
Have you seen this show?
I swear, it is the dumbest fucking show I have ever, EVER seen.
It’s awful.
So anyway, what’s my point…
My point is that I think we are done with the Netflix on demand thing, which is how we’ve been watching most of our television.
This afternoon I actually sat down and watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with a couple of the kids. Not on demand. Like an actual DVD.
It was nice. It reminded me of those Sundays back in the WWOD days.
And I think I want to start the new year off that way. Back to the classics.
Sure, we can still watch some shows. Not all Disney Channel shows totally suck now. Good Luck Charlie is one of my all-time favorites.
But we’re going to go back to the basics. No more on demand Netflix. Not only will it save us more money, it will save the kids a few million brain cells.
2016 is going to be the garbage-free television year for us, and a return to the Wonderful World of Disney-type tradition I have such fond memories of from when I was a kid.
We still haven’t finished watching all the Little House on the Prairie DVDs we got for Christmas last year. We still have about 4 seasons to go. So I think we’ll start with that.
After that, who knows…
Have suggestions for what we should watch next? Let me know — I’d love to hear them!
I think you can block shows on Netflix that you don’t want the kids to watch.
I read about it in another blog post recently.
Worth a try.
I think you are right. But by the time I block all the ones I don’t want them to watch, there won’t be much left
I would definitely be interested in finding out how to do that! Do you remember what blog you saw it posted on?
I highly recommend Road to Avonlea–sort of a Canadian Little House on the Prairie and Lark Rise to Candleford–really sweet show.
If you are still looking for some great television shows, I’d have to recommend Gilmore Girls for you and Number 4. It may be a little old, but with her being so mature for her age, it’s worth a shot!
Love you, your family, and your blog!