1. Brain Surgery
2. Rocket Science
3. Common Core math.
4. Assembling an exersaucer…
5. Potty training a two-year-old…
When you are hungover.
6. Teaching your five-year-old to tie her shoes.
With mittens on.
7. Listening to your third grader play Hot Cross Buns on the recorder.
Without rolling your eyes once.
8. Running a marathon.
In soft sand.
9. Scaling Mt. Everest.
On your hands.
10. Teaching my 69-year-old mom how to use a smartphone.
I hear you on this one!! It has been a nightmare to teach my mom anything on her phone and she only has a flip phone! She won’t even attempt to learn how to text. She just passes her phone around and asks everyone to program their phone number so she won’t have to learn to do it!!
Haha!! I am cracking up over this. I don’t know how many times my Mom calls me needing help with her iPhone. Love it!
– Jackie
This is so funny! My mom passed lat year and left her smart phone (that she never did figure out how to use) to my dad. He (79 years old) totally figured it out and not only texts everyone all the time, but has even learned how to hook it up to his tv so he can watch youtube videos!!!
My brother and I purchased an iPad for our mother this past year to thank her for all that she does for our families. She was completely overwhelmed at first, with no confidence in herself. I sat down with her once a week or so and tackled another app for her. Email first, Facebook another time, Pinterest, etc. She’s doing pretty well now. I still occasionally get a call or email saying she broke it, but her issues are usually solved pretty easily. There’s hope for your dad!