Much like when I wrote my anti-Elf on the Shelf post, when I posted today’s anti-leprechaun post that was written a couple years ago, I annoyed a few people.
And maybe all you pro-trappers are right.
Maybe I’m a killjoy.
Maybe I’m a (Mc)Scrooge.
Maybe I’m cranky tonight.
I am a little bit. I’ve had a headache all day that just won’t quit.
But that’s not really it.
All this thinking about budgeting and having too much stuff and being a little more frugal has changed my perspective on a lot of things.
I think it’s great to be creative and do neat things with your kids.
But everything has gotten out of control.
And ridiculous.
The leprechaun traps just pushed me over the edge.
Because they are the tip of the iceberg.
You used to pack your lunch in a brown paper bag, get a quarter from the Tooth Fairy, have a birthday party where you played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and blew out the candles on a cake that your mom made from a box, wear a homemade Halloween costume on Halloween and get some candy, have a Christmas concert at school and then a couple days later, open some Christmas presents, make some valentines in February, wear something green on Saint Patrick’s Day, get an Easter basket with a chocolate bunny and some jellybeans in it for Easter, watch some fireworks on July 4th, and that was it.
And it was great.
And now it’s school lunches that look like the cast of Frozen, $20 for a lost tooth, $300 birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese before you are even old enough to form complete sentences, five different Halloween parties starting on October 1st plus trunk-or-treating in twelve different parking lots, the (fucking) Elf on the Shelf and outdoing all your friends with the stupid crap you feel the need to take pictures of him doing, thousands of dollars worth of Christmas presents and reindeer food and tracking Santa, leprechaun traps, Easter baskets that are larger than the child receiving them filled with almost as much crap as you find under the Christmas tree, and hundreds of dollars in illegally bought fireworks to set off at your own home starting from Memorial Day and continuing through Labor Day.
And don’t get me started on the high school dances. Or the prom.
I’m all about establishing traditions with your kids and having fun.
But where do you draw the line?
Everything has just gone way over the top.
Nothing is simple anymore.
Everything has to be made into a big fucking deal.
And this, ironically, makes almost nothing a big deal anymore.
Maybe I’ve been watching too much Little House on the Prairie.
Because all I want to do lately is start my sentences with Back when I was a kid…
Maybe I’m just getting older.
But I don’t think so.
I think I’m getting wiser.
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I agree 1000%. Thank you for saying this.
I’m just gonna say… amen!
I was just discussing this with the husband today at dinner. St. Patrick’s Day is booze, corned beef, and wearing green. Ive seen multiple leprechaun traps on FB the last couple of days. All I can do is shake my head….because….just no.
Right on!
You know, at least for me, it isn’t necessarily a problem with your opinion. I may even personally feel a similar way for myself. But rather, the way written (in my opinion) comes across very judgmental and putting down those who like to spend the time doing the elaborate projects. I wasn’t surprised some readers reacted negatively. But not because you don’t want to spend time making a trap but because you made those who do enjoy it possibly feel like they were idiots. Which they are not. I don’t know if it’s a defense mechanism to feel better about your choices but it comes across at times that others are being put down if they do these creative art projects or elaborate parties. I truly enjoy your blog with the more positive changes. This particular post just came across as more negative and judgmental.
I personally love the seemingly negative aspects of her posts. I get sick of seeing all these “my kids are perfect, look what I had 36 hours to make for my kids” blog posts where all 12 of their children behave perfectly and never do any wrong. I love reading REAL shit! and I agree with her completely on this post. shit used to be simple. I don’t think she’s “defending her choices.” I think she’s pointing out that this world has gone to shit because we’re too busy trying to keep our kids completely happy. Screw that. My child will be unhappy sometimes if it means he doesn’t get every fucking toy in the store or every video game he wants. It’s called raising a responsible, a financially responsible, and respectable child.
This is precisely why I quit Facebook three years ago. I can’t stand the way it makes me feel when I see parents competing or having to outdo one another AND post pictures to prove it! There is enough competition in life without social media! Since quitting, I am much happier and more confident in MYSELF and my parenting skills. I’m no longer second guessing or constantly comparing myself to what I “see”. Yes part of it is my own problem with how I perceive(d) myself, but it’s so hard when your feed is full of all this crap!!! Social media is great, don’t get me wrong, but it also has a way of adding pressure where pressure is not needed. I commend parents who do take the time to create “magic” for their kids, but the minute they go and post it on Facebook it sends a totally different message.
I agree with you. Things have gotten so out of control and it makes special things less special. But I think what detracts from the projects and the holidays is that, for many people, it’s not about the kids but it’s about competing with other moms. I’ve seen many leprechaun traps on FB the last few days. Some bugged me, some didn’t. Because some were made by kids, some were DRIVEN by kids while others were orchestrated and executed entirely by moms who seem to be saying, “Look how great I am.” I don’t know if that is truly their motivation or if I’m feeling defensive because making and cleaning a leprechaun mess is the last thing I have the time or energy to do, but that how it comes across. That the leprechauns and the elf and the fancy parties aren’t about the kids, they are about the moms. And the ultimate result of this excess is that we actually deprive our kids when we are trying to do the exact opposite. We deprive them of the joy of discovery and anticipation and ownership, we deprive them of the joy of creating things themselves, we deprive them of the joy of not having it all before they even know they want it so they can plan and dream and save and work and achieve.
Oh heavens….how does one even make a leprechaun trap? No one I know is doing that…thank the Lord.
I agree that things have gotten out of control BUT ………
I have a family of 6. It’s hard. My kids don’t get things on a day to day basis. Like you, most of their clothes are hand me downs, our grocery bill? we work very hard to just get what we need ….. and I can go on and on about how much everything costs and when my kids come home saying that so and so is doing this or getting that. Kills me, but they have ONE kid… I have four. We don’t do anything. We used gift cards last week and took them to see the Spongebob movie – they were so excited. My husband and I don’t go out – the guilt of spending money keeps us home. And it’s all good – we’re ok. Back to my point…….. The FUN. I can do that. My kids LOVE to make traps for the leprachauns (no idea how to spell it and I’m not looking it up)….. so I make a big deal out of that!! All the silly holiday stuff that is SO SO silly…. I do. I’m guilty. I make a big deal. Because I CAN DO THAT. Doesn’t cost money…. and part of me feels better. I can’t buy them things and go places …. but we can have fun. I can do that. And they will remember it. And so will I.
This is hysterical. I totally agree, but I can’t say I don’t fall into the “traps” of today’s world. I love the bluntness! 🙂
I would totally have nodded my head and agreed yesterday that I would “never” do a stupid leprechaun trap until last night my boys came to me saying they needed to do leprechaun traps before they went to bed…I looked at them and said I didn’t know what they were talking about (pretend ignorance right, haha.) then they started getting super upset that they wanted to do it so I said what the heck. We set up two shoe boxes and after they went to bed my husband and I scattered about 20 pennies around the traps and towards the door sorta like a leprechaun trail. I’m so glad I said yes because for 20 cents I created a little joy and extra bonus…they quickly jumped out of bed when I woke them for school…that is completely worth the 20 cents in my house! I may have that leprechaun come back many times!
I didn’t even know that leprechaun traps were a thing. We don’t do elf on the shelf either and the tooth fairy certainly doesn’t leave $20 (not even $5 in my house).
I agree that everything is a bit overdone. I don’t care you want to do those things with your kid but don’t make me feel bad that I don’t.
My kids get one present from Santa, pjs from us and one or two gifts.
The Easter bunny brings a few pieces of candy and some summer shoes (that they needed anyway!).
THEY make their Valentines. I do not.
I don’t want my kids to feel “entitled” to every single thing out there.
On the other hand I truly enjoy having a little evening out with each child one on one. If we lavished them with all the “stuff” we could never afford to do this. I know that the alone time and special talks stay with me and I hope that it does with them too.
WTF is a leprechaun trap?
I totally agree with you!! While I may do the Elf on the Shelf, I don’t get all extravagant with it. I do it for the fun of having my kids figure out where “she” is. I’m so tired of people trying to one-up each other.
Parents need to learn to get back to the basics. Birthday parties should be fun for the kids. For Easter, my kids get a small basket with a chocolate bunny, jelly beans, some coloring books. This year, my 6 year old daughter is getting some fingernail polish, and my 4 year old boy is getting hot wheels. That’s it. As for Christmas, we have a set budget and that’s it. We get them things we can afford, not things we have to take a loan out for.
I have friends that their kids get $5 from the Tooth Fairy. Every. Tooth. My daughter got a dollar for the first one and every other tooth after that is a quarter. And she thought that was the coolest thing!
We can’t afford to be anything more, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not how much you spend on your kids, it’s how you spend your time with them making memories.
My girls brought leprechaun traps home from pre-school. They were so excited about it. It was a painted shoebox with a paper towel roll. I just go with the flow. My mom told mere is a time for everything…enjoy it before its gone. So if my girls are excited about leprechaun traps…then I am excited about leprechaun traps.