This morning as we were walking to the beach, Number 3 said to me, “Mom, did we just get here yesterday?”
We’ve only been here for 24 hours, and the kids already feel right at home.
And Number 7 is totally confused. She thinks we have moved here.
I’m glad the kids are happy.
And I couldn’t be happier to be down here either.
There are three things I’ve noticed though, in just one day.
First, I have a slight addiction to taking pictures of the kids all walking along in a row.
It’s so nice, and rare, for us to be able to walk on the road where I don’t feel the need to be holding their hands so they don’t get run over by oncoming traffic.
They are like little ducklings. Too cute.
Secondly, I am having a hard time adjusting to the pace.
I don’t think I realized just how non-stop I have become until we got here.
I need to learn how to slow down.
I need to learn how to slow my body down. And I need to learn how to slow my brain down.
Secondly, the people down here in North Carolina are so much friendlier than the people up in Connecticut.
This morning we were taking a walk, and I waved to someone driving by, and Number 5 said to me, “Who was that?”
And I said to her, “I have no idea!”
And she said to me, “Well then why did you wave at them?”
To which I responded, “Because it’s nice to be friendly to everyone you pass by, whether you know them or not.”
That is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Human beings walking right past each other and completely ignoring each other.
I mean, even dogs walk up to other dogs and sniff the crap out of them.
And I am not raising my kids to be standoffish Northerners.
We are going to soak up as much of the southern friendliness as we can and bring it back to CT and annoyingly spread it around.
So those are my two lessons of the day.
Slow down. And be nice.
Even to people you don’t know.
Especially to people you don’t know.
I have lived in 5 different states from New York to Louisiana. I currently reside in Raleigh, NC, and I will NEVER, well I hope to NEVER, ever leave this place. If you can fall in love with a geographical location I have done that very thing with NC. Hope you guys have a great time. Carolina Beach is great!
NC rocks. Lived there all my life. Currently on vac in your neck of the woods. Boston to Maine.
Northern drivers be crazy. Enjoy Carolina. Its awesome!
I was raised in a small town and everyone said hi or hello as you passed each other on the street. I live in a city now but I try to teach my children the joy of spreading kindness, even though city dwellers make it difficult sometimes!
I love that you found such wonderful things in the South. I live in SC & I love the culture & hospitality that the South comes with, but there are assholes everywhere. I lived in Pittsburgh for 5 years before moving back South & although brutally brash, they are a good, fun bunch! The Northern weather ran me out not the people. South is where my heart belongs & NC mountains are one of my favorite vacation destinations. Enjoy the rest of your vacation & remember to speak slowly for us Southerners.
Was this at the Outer Banks? I live in Fort Bragg, NC and was raised in the area. For the most part, in any neighborhood I have lived in, drivers or strangers walking past always wave! I love it! It’s a breath of fresh air that southern hospitality isn’t completely dead. Last year my girlfriend (who is from New York) rode with me to the commissary. I used a short cut driving through the neighborhoods and I had waived to someone walking on the side walk. She asked me if I knew them and I told her no and she kind of just gave me this blank stare! It’s funny how different things can be from one state to the next. I hope you and your family enjoy your beach vaca!